Abscesses arise from Colledions of peccant Humours in the internal Parts of the Body; and are also called Imposthumes.See IMPOSTHUME.
Their Name Abscess comes from the Latin Verb
Abscesses arise oftenest in Women after Delivery ; and tho dangerous in themselves, yet appear to be the Crisis of the Disease that gave rise thereto. For the Cure, is they cannot be discuss'd, i. e. be carried of by proper artisicial Evacuations, as Phlebotomy, Purging, Ec. with the ute of Calomel between whiles, and gentle perspirative Fotus's, Liniments and Cataplasms; recourse is to be had to the contrary Method, and they must be brought to Suppuration.When the Matter is fully ripen'd, they are to be open'd with a Lancet or Caustick, and their Cure attempted by Digestives and Incarnatives. See RIPENER, DIGESTIVE, INCARNATIVE, &c.