AGRICULTURE, or the Tillage and Improvement of SOILS, Clay, Sand, Earth, &c.
By the Operations of Ploughing, Fallowing, burning, Sembradore, Sowing, Manuring, &c.
To produce, Com, Hemp, Flax, Liquorice, Saffron, &c.
For Malt, Bread, &c.
Granary, Threshing, &c.
The Culture of Trees, Timber, &c.
by Planting, Lopping, Barking, &c.
For Coppice, Park, Paddock, Hedge, Pasiure, &c.
MANAGE, including the Consideration of HORSES;
their Age Colour, Teeth, Hoof, Star, &c.
Paces, as Amble, Gallop, &c.
Airs, as Volt, Demivolt, Curvet, Capriole, &c.
Aid, Correction, Hani, Bit, &c.
Saddle, Shoe, Bridle, &c.
Diseases, as Halting, Farcy, Staggers, Scratches, Yellows, &c.
Operations, as Rowelling, Docking, Gelding, &c.----
Hawk, Hawking, Hood, &c.
Reclaiming, Casling, &c.
Pip, Filanders, &c.----
Hound, Hunting, &c.
Rut, Stalking, Birdlime, Tramel-net, Bat-fowling, &c.
---- Fish, Fishing, Fishery, &c.
Angling, Hook, Rod, Float, &c.
Bait, Fly, Huxing, &c.
MEDICINE, including the Consideration of LIFE and HEALTH;
Conditions thereof, Longevity, Strength, Temperament, &c.
Means, as Food, Drink, Exercise, &c.
Opposites, as Death, Disease, &c.
Kinds hereof, Chronic, Epidemic, Contagious, &c.
as Plague, Fever, Gout, Apoplexy, Epilepsy, Palsy. Pox, Polypus, Palpitation. Madness, Hydrophobia, Spasm, Hypochondriac, Phthifis, Scorbutus, Dropsy, Tympanites. Lepra, Itch, Plica, Ophthalmia, Gutta, Cataract, and the like. Wound, Ulcer, Cancer. Fracture, Fissure, Caries, and the like. Symptoms, Sign, Diagnostic, Pulse, Urine, &c.
Prescription, Crisis, Cure, &c.
Regimen, Diet, Medicine, &c.
Kinds hereof, Specific, Purgative, Emetic, Diaphoretic, Diuretic, Alterative, Styptic, Astringent, Emollient, Opiate. Absorbent, Caustic, Anodyne, Sympathetic. Cardiac, Cephalic, Febrifuge. Antimonial, Chalybeat, Mercurial, and the like. Operations, as Evacuation, Phlebotomy, Suture, Lithotomy, Amputation, Inoculation. Salivation, Couching, Cupping, Trepanning. Touching, Tapping, Stroking, Transfusion, Castration, Circumcision, and the like.
GARDENING, including the Culture of HERBS, Flowers, Fruits, &c.
as Dwars, Standard, Stone, Wall, Espalier, Salted, &c.
The Operations of Planting, Transplanting, Replanting, Watering. Engrasting Inoculating, Primal, Pinching, Variegating, &c.
Preventing Disiasis, Blights, Gum, &c.
The Use and Ordering of a Hot-bell Green-house, Seminary. Nursery, Garden, Vineyard &c.
Their Exposure, Walls, Horizontal Shelter, &c.
Walks, Grass-Plot, Terrace, Quincunx, Parterre &c.
PHARMACY, or the Preparation and Composition of REMEDIES ;
as Mithridate, Treacle, Hiera Picra, Laudanum, Diasenna, Turbith, Calomel, &c.
in the Form of Electuary, Confection, Extract, Tincture, Syrup. Troche, Pill, Pouder, Lohoc, Potion, Apazem, Drops, medicated Ales, Wines, Waters. Unguent, Emplaster, Purge, Clyster, Suppository, Pessary, Collyrium, &c.
From Drugs, or Simples ; as, Guaiacum, Sassafras, Colocynthis, Crocus, Rhubarb, Cassia, Senna, Cortex, Styrax, Jalap, Scammony, Opium, &c.
Fats, Claws, Horns, &c.
of Viper, Crab, Elk, &c.
Cantharides, Millepedes, Mummy, Usnea, Ichthyocolla, &c.
Antimony, Orpiment, Asphaltus, Bismuth, Marcasite, Bole, Cinnabar, Mars, Venus, &c.
ANATOMY, or the Analysis of ANIMAL BODIES, and their PARTS,
viz. Bones, as Cranium. Rib, Vertebra, Radius, Femur, Tibia. Sacrum, Pubis, Patella, &c.
Their Articulation, Apophyses, &c.
Muscles, Abductor, Adductor, Erector, Depressor, Deltoides, Sartorius, Cucullaris, Orbicularis, Sphincter, &c.
Their Tendons, Fibres, &c.
Vessels, as Artery, Aorta, Aspera, Trachea, Pulmonary, &c.
Veins, as Cava, Porta, Jugular, Carotid, &c.
Glands, as Pancreas, Parotides, Prostates, &c.
Nerves; Optic, Olfactory, Auditory, &c.
Lymphatic, Lacteal, Mesaraic, Mucilaginous, &c.
Their Valves, Tunics, Anastomases, &c.
Their Humours, as Chyle, Blood, Spirit, Seed, Gall, Urine, Milk, Sweat, Marrow, &c.
Membranes ; Pannicle, Cutis, Cuticula, Papilla, &c.
Venters, Head, Meninges, Brain, &c.
Eye, Ear, Pupil, Tympanum. Tongue, Teeth, Palate, Larynx, Glottis, Oesophagus, &c.
Viscera, Stomach, Lungs, Heart, &c.
Liver, Spleen, Kidney, Intestines, Bladder, &c.
Functions or Operations hereof, Respiration, Deglutition, Digestion, Chylisication, Sanguification, Circulation, Systole, Nutrition. Secretion, Excretion, Perspiration, Vo- miting, &c.
Genitals, Penis, Testicle, Clitoris, Matrix, Nympha, Hymen. Embryo, Zoophyte, Mole, &c.
Erection, Generation, Conception, Geslation. Delivery, Lochia, Menses, &c.