ACACIA, in Medicine, an inspissated Juice, of a Shrub of the Thorn kind; used as an Astringent. See ASTRINGENT.
There are two Kinds, the Vera and Germanica.The Acacia Vera, is brought from the Levant; and supposed to be the Juice of the Pods of a large thorny Tree, growing in Egypt and Arabia. — Some Naturalists will have it the same Plant that yields the Gum Arabick.
It is very austere and binding; and on that account good against Fluxes. — Choose that of a tan-colour, smooth, and shining; and an astringent disagreeable Taste. — It is, or should be, an Ingredient in the Theriaca Andromachi.
The German Acacia is a Counterfeit of the former; being made of the Juice of unripe Sloes, boiled to the Consistence of a solid Extract - and put up in Bladders, like the former. — It is distinguished from it chiefly by its Colour, which is as black as that of Spanish Liquorice. — It is used as a Substitute to the true Acacia.
Acacia, among Antiquaries, is a kind of Roll, resembling a Bag; seen on Medals in the Hands of several of the Consuls and Emperors, from the Time of Anastasius.
Authors are not agreed either about the Use of this Roll, or about the Substance whereof it consists; some taking it for a plaited Handkerchief, which the Person who presided at the Games threw out as a Signal for their beginning; whilst others rather imagine it intended to represent a Roll of Memoirs, or Petitions. See further under the Article ROLL.