ALLANTOIS, Allantois, in Anatomy, a third Coat or Membrane of a Foetus, investing part thereof, in the manner of a Scarf, or Collar, extending from the Cartilago Xiphoides, to the bottom of the Hips. See FOETUS.The Allantois makes part of the Secundine.—It is conceived as an urinary Tunic, placed between the Amnion and Chorion, which by the Navel and Urachus receives the Urine that comes out of the Bladder. See SECUNDINE, and URINE.It is a Point controverted among Anatomists, whether the Allantois be found in Man—M. Drelincourt, Professor of Anatomy at Leiden, in an express Dissertation on this Membrane, maintains it peculiar to the Ruminating Kind. See RUMINANT.Dr. Hale, on the contrary, has given an accurate Description of the human Allantois; and assigned the Reason why those who believed its Existence had not before fully found it out; and also an answer to those who yet deny its reality. See PHILOSOPH. Transact. N° 271.The Word is derived from allas, Farcimen, a Gut, and eidos, Forma, Shape; because, in many Brutes, it is in the Shape of a Gut-pudding: but in Man, and some others, it is round.—It is likewise called Furciminalis.