CHEVAGE, or CHIEFAGE, according to Bracton, signifies a Tribute by the Head; or a kind of Poll-Money antiently paid by such as held Lands in Villanage, or otherwise, to their Lords, in acknowledgment. See POLL.

The Word seems also to have been us'd for a Sum of Money yearly given to a Man of Power, for his Patronage and Protection, as to their "Cheif".

In the first Sense, Coke observes, there is still a kind of Chevage subsisting in Wales, call'd Amabyr ; paid to the Prince of Wales for the Marriage of his Daughters ; antiently by all, now only by some. Lambard writes it Chivage. The Jews, while allow'd to live in England, paid Chevage, or Poll-Money ; viz. three Pence per Head, paid at Eafter.

The Word is form'd of the French Chef, Head.