ALIMENTARY, Alimentarius, something that relates to Aliment, or Food. See FOOD.The ancient Physicians hold that every Humour consists of two Parts; an Alimentary, and an Excrementitious one. See HUMOUR, and EXCREMENT.Alimentary Duct, Ductus Alimentalis, is a Name given, by Dr. Glyson and some others, to that Part of the Body through which the Food passes, from its Reception into the Mouth, to its Exit at the Anus; including the Gula, Stomach, and Intestines. See DUCTUS ALIMENTALIS, STOMACH, etc. Alimentary Duct is sometimes also understood of the Thoracic Duct. See THORACIC DUCT.Alimentary Pies, etc. in Antiquity, were certain Children maintained and educated by the Munificence of the Emperors, in a sort of public Places, not unlike our Hospitals. See HOSPITAL. Trajan was the first that brought up these Alimentary Boys. He was imitated by Hadrian. Antoninus Pius did the same for a Number of Maids, at the Solicitation of Faustina: And hence, in some Medals of the Empress, we read PUELLAE FAUSTINAE. Alexander Severus did the like, at the Request of Mamaea; and the Maids thus educated were called Mammeanae.