ACATALECTIC, Acatalectus, in the ancient Poetry, a Term applicable to such Verses as have all their Feet and Syllables; and are in no wise defective at the End. See VERSE, and FOOT.

As, on the contrary, Catalectic Verses are those which end too hastily, and with a Syllable short. See CATALECTIC.

The Words come from ἀρτίως, define; whence ἀκατάλεκτος, which wants something at the End; and the Privative α being prefixed ἀκατάλεκτος, which wants nothing at the End.

In the following Strophe of Horace, the two first Verses are Acatalectic, and the last Catalectic.

Sohitur acris hiems, grata vice Veris et Favoni:Trahuntque siccas machinae carinas—