ARGO, or Navis, in astronomy, is a constellation of fixed stars, in the Southern Hemisphere. See STAR and CONSTELLATION.
ARMILLARY, Armillaris, in Astronomy, an Epithet given to an artificial Sphere, composed of a Number of Metalline Circles, representative of the several Circles of the Mundane Sphere, put together in their natural Order.
Armillary Spheres ease and assist the Imagination to conceive the Constitution of the Heavens, and the Motions of the heavenly Bodies. See HEAVEN, SUN, PLANET, etc.
Armillary Spheres ease and assist the Imagination to conceive the Constitution of the Heavens, and the Motions of the heavenly Bodies. See HEAVEN, SUN, PLANET, etc.
ASTERISM, Asterismus, in Astronomy, the same with Constellation. See CONSTELLATION.
The Word comes from the Greek ἀστήρ, Stella, Star.
The Word comes from the Greek ἀστήρ, Stella, Star.
AURIGA, in Astronomy, the Waggoner; a Constellation of fixed Stars in the Northern Hemisphere. See STAR and CONSTELLATION. The Stars in the Constellation Auriga, in Ptolemy’s Catalogue are 14; in Tycho’s 22; in the Britannic Catalogue 66; the Longitudes, Latitudes, Magnitudes, etc. are as follow.
Stars in the Constellation Auriga.
Stars in the Constellation Auriga.