ALMUCANTARS, Almacantarats, or ALMUCANTARATS, in Astronomy, are Circles parallel to the Horizon, imagined to pass through all the Degrees of the Meridian. See CIRCLE, and HORIZON. See PARALLEL.
As the Meridians pass through the several Degrees of the Equator; the Almucantars pass through those of the Meridian of any Place. See MERIDIAN.The Almucantars are the same Thing with regard to the Azimuths and Horizon, that the Parallels are with regard to the Meridians and Horizon.They serve to show the Height of the Sun and Stars; and are described on many Quadrants, &c., being also called Parallels of Altitude. See PARALLEL OF ALTITUDE.The Word is formed of the Arabic Almocantharat. Almucantar-Staff, is an Instrument usually made of Pear-tree or Box, with an Arch of 15 Degrees; chiefly used to take Observations of the Sun, about the Time of its rising and setting; in order to find the Amplitude, and consequently the Variations of the Compass. See AMPLITUDE, and VARIATION.