ALCANTARA.— Order of Alcantara, was an ancient Military Order, denominated from a City of that Name in the Kingdom of Spain. See KNIGHT, ORDER, &c.Alphonso IX. having recovered Alcantara from the Moors, in the Year 1212; committed the Custody and Defence thereof, first, to the Knights of Calatrava; and, two Years afterwards, to the Knights of the Pear-Tree, another Military Order, instituted in 1170, by Gomez Fernandez, and approved by Pope Alexander III under the Rule of St. Benedict: upon which they changed their Name, and took the Denomination of Knights of Alcantara.After the Expulsion of the Moors, and the Taking of Granada; the Sovereignty of the Order of Alcantara, and that of Calatrava, were settled in the Crown of Castile, by Ferdinand and Isabella. See CALATRAVA.In 1540, the Knights of Alcantara sued for leave to marry; which was granted them.