Beasts that chew the Cud are sound to have four Stomachs ; viz. the Rumen, or Magnus Venter or Stomach, properly so call'd, the Reticulum, Omasus, and Abomasus. See RUMINATION, &c.
The Abomasus, popularly call'd the Maw, is the last ; being the Place wherein the Chyle is form'd, and from which the Food descends immediately into the Intestines.
It is full of Leaves like the Omasus ; but its Leaves have this particular to 'em, that beside the Membranes they consist of, they contain a great number of Glands not found in any of the rest. See OMASUS, &c.
'Tis in the Abomasus of Calves and Lambs, that the Rennet or Earning is form'd, wherewith Houswises turn or curdle their Milk. See RENNET.