ASSEMBLAGE, the joining or uniting of several Thingstogether; or, the Things themselves so joined, or united.
See UNION, etc.
The Assemblage of two Bones for Motion, is called Articulation. See ARTICULATION.
The Carpenters and Joiners have various Kinds andForms of Assemblage; as, with Mortises and Tenons, withDovetails, etc. See MORTISE, DOVETAIL, etc.
The Europeans admire the Carpentry of some Indians,where the Assemblage is made without either Nails or Pins,Herrera. See CARPENTRY, NAIL, etc.
The Word Assemblage is also used in a more generalSense, for a Collection of several Things, so disposed together, as that the whole has an agreeable Effect.—'Tis with Discourse as with Bodies, which owe their chief Excellencyto the just Assemblage, and Proportion of their Members.—
- Details
- Written by: Ephraïm Chambers
- Category: Unclassified