Thus, in the Syllogism, All whom God absolves are free of Sin ; bus God absolves all who are in Christ : Therefore, all who are in Christ are free of Sin. The Major is evident ; but the Minor, or Assumption is not so, without some other Proposition to prove it ; as, God took Satisfaction for Sin in the Sussering of Jesus Christ.
ANALYSIS, in Logick, a Method of applying the Rules of Reasoning, to resolve a Discourse into its Principles; in order to a Discovery of its Truth, or Falsehood. See PRINCIPLE. Or, Analysis is an Examination of some Discourse, Proposition, or other Matter, by searching into its Principles, and separating and opening its Parts; in order to consider them more distinctly, and arrive at a more precise Knowledge of the Whole. See DISCOURSE, PROPOSITION, REDUCTION, etc. The Word is Greek, ἀνάλυσις (analysis), which literally signifies, Resolution; formed of ἀνά (ana), and λύω (luo), folvo, resolvo, I loosen, I resolve. Analysis makes one great Branch or Species of Method; called also Resolution. See METHOD, and RESOLUTION.