ANTHROPOPHAGY, the Act of eating human Flesh. See ANTHROPOPHAGI. Some Authors trace the Original of this barbarous Custom, as high as the Deluge; and attribute it to the Giants. Pliny mentions Scythians and Sauromatians; and Juvenal, Egyptians, who accustomed themselves to this horrible Repast. Livy tells us, that Hannibal made his Soldiers eat human Flesh, to render them more fierce and daring in Battle. In the southern Parts of Africa, and in some Parts of America, this horrid Practice still obtains. See CANNIBAL. The Physicians think they have discovered the Principle of Anthropophagy, and that it consists in a black acrimonious Humour, which being lodged in the Coats of the Ventricle, produces this Voracity. And they give several Instances of this inhuman Hunger, even among their own Patients. M. Petit has disputed the Question, whether or not Anthropophagy be contrary to Nature.
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- Written by: Ephraïm Chambers
- Category: Unclassified