ANGLING, the Art of catching Fish by means of a Rod, with Line, Hook and Bait fitted thereto. See FISH and FISHING.
There are several prudential Rules observed by thorough Anglers; as, not to wear any white or shining Apparel, but be clothed in a dark sky-Colour: To invite the Fish to the place intended for Angling, by casting in from time to time proper Foods, as boiled Corn, Worms, and Garbage: To keep them together in the time of Angling, by throwing in Grains of ground Malt; or sinking a Box of Worms, with small holes for them to creep slowly out at, &c.
To draw Salmon or Trout together, they use a Composition of fine Clay incorporated with Blood, and Malt ground.

To learn what Bait is best for any Fish at any time; after having caught one, they slit his Gills, and take out the Stomach; and thus find what he last fed on.

The several Methods of Angling for Salmon, Trout, Carp, Tench, Perch, Pike, Dace, Gudgeon, Roach, Flounder, &c. See the Articles SALMON-FISHING, TROUT-FISHING, etc.

For the Rules of ANGLING with the Fly, see FLY-FISHING.

Angling-Rod. See FISHING-ROD.

In Angling, they observe, after having struck a large Fish, to keep the Rod bent; which will hinder him from running to the utmost Length of the Rod-Line, by which he would be enabled to break his Hold or Hook.

Angling Line is either made of Hair, twisted; or Silk; or the Indian Grass. The best Colours are the Sorrel, White and Grey; the two last for clear Waters, the first for muddy ones. Nor is the pale watery Green despicable: this Colour is given artificially, by steeping the Hair in a Liquor made of Alum, Soot, and the Juice of Walnut Leaves boiled together.

Angling Hook. See FISHING HOOK.

Angling Fly. See FISHING FLY.