In this sense, the word usually stands opposed to Obtuse.See OBTUSE.
Acute Angle, is that which is less than a right angle;or which does not subtend 90 degrees. See ANGLE.
Such is the Angle AEC, (Tab. Geometry, Fig. 86.)Acute-Angle Triangle, is that whose three angles are all acute, called also an Oxygonous Triangle. See TRIANGLE.
Such is the Triangle ACB, (Tab. Geometry, Fig, 68.)Acute-Angular Section, of a Cone, was used by the ancient Geometricians for the Ellipse. See ELLIPSE, and CONE.
Acute, in Music, is understood of a Sound, or Tone which is sharp, or shrill, or high, in respect of some other.See SOUND.
In this sense, the word stands opposed to Grave. See GRAVE.
Sounds considered as Acute and Grave, that is, in the relation of Gravity and Acuteness, constitute what we call Tune,
Acute Disease is that which terminates, or comes to its period, in a few days; or, as the physicians express it, cito & sine periculo terminatur. See DISEASE. In this sense, the word stands opposed to Chronical. All diseases which hold above forty days are reputed Chronical. See CHRONICAL.
Dr. Quincy thinks an Acute Disease may be defined as that which is attended with an increased velocity of blood. See BLOOD, CIRCULATION, HEART, PULSE, etc.
Acute diseases are the more dangerous, in that, beside the violence of the symptoms, if there be not time to empty the prime vie, it's very difficult to stop their progress and save the patient. Trev.
Acute diseases are usually divided into those properly called Acute; and those, which by reason of the vehemence of the symptoms, are called Most Acute.