ACCLAMATION is a confused noise or shout of joy by which the public express their applause, esteem, or approbation of anything.
These were formerly used in churches as well as theaters, and the bishops and other ecclesiastical officers were elected by the acclamations of the people. But their principal use has always been at the solemn entries of princes and heroes, where they are usually attended with good wishes, prayers, vows, etc. See VOW.
Antiquity has handed down to us several forms of acclamations, as "Dii te nobis servent, vestra satus, nostra salus": "The gods preserve you for us; your safety, our safety." "In te omnia, ser te omnia habemus, Antonine": "In you, Antoninus, and by you, we have everything." Lampridius relates that at the entry of Severus, the people cried out, "Salve Roma, quia salvus Alexander": "O Rome, be safe; since Alexander is safe." M. Srisin, in his treatise of formulae, enumerates various sources of acclamations used by the Senate, the army, etc.
The Hebrews used to cry Hosanna. — The Greeks Azathe Tuche, that is, Good Fortune. See HOSANNA.
- Details
- Written by: Ephraïm Chambers
- Category: Unclassified