Assuming manichee is required, the following 3 results were found.
ASTARII or ASTARTI, a Sect of Heretics in the ninth Century, the Followers of one Sergius, who renewed the Errors of the Manichees. See MANICHEE. They prevailed much under the Emperor Nicephorus; but his nephew Michael Curopalates, curbed them with very...
- Type: Article
- Author: Ephraïm Chambers
- Category: Unclassified
the good God made the invisible world, and the evil one that which we live in; and the rest of the Manichean tenet. See MANICHEE. But this seems rather one of those pious frauds allowed particularly in that church, which esteems it a kind of merit to...
- Type: Article
- Author: Ephraïm Chambers
- Category: Geography
Sedulius on the XIth Chapter of the Epistle to the Corinthians, "de Gentili adhuc superstitione veniebat." And Faustus the Manichee is represented in St. Augustine, as reproaching the Christians, with converting the Heathen sacrifices into Agapes:...
- Type: Article
- Author: Ephraïm Chambers
- Category: Unclassified